Edition Details
REM – International Engineering Journal
Ano 88 . Nº 02 . v.77 . apr./jun. 2024.
Check your EGO at the door
Jório Coelho
Dam safety management methodology in front of the national dam safety policy
Marcela Maier Farias Czap, Jose Marques Filho
Challenges and perspectives in the implementation of the Fire Protection System in Federal institutions of higher education in Brazil
Bernardina Lima Franco, Beatriz Gaydeczka
Using geophysical density logging to estimate the thickness and density of coal seams in the Southern region of Brazil
Barbara Victória Reffatti Andrade, Paulo Salvadoretti, Luciana Arnt Abichequer, George Olufunmilayo Gasper, Luis Eduardo de Souza
Development and performance of graphene oxide reinforced LDPE nanocomposite polymers for 3D printing
Bryan M. M. Silva, Caroline C. Tegon, Marcelo M. Soares, Rodolfo Luiz Prazeres Gonçalves, Andressa A. Oliveira, Antonio Augusto Couto, Marcos Massi
Internal corrosion prevention in slurry pipelines using nitrogen gas: a case study
Ayron Silva Guimarães Torres, Vanessa de Freitas Cunha Lins, Gabriela Goes Mattioli, Paulo Roberto Gomes Brandao
Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure of a sintered bronze-aluminum alloy
Eduardo Serafim Silva, Elioenai Levi Barbedo, Alexandre Nogueira Ottoboni Dias, Daniela Sachs, Gilbert Silva, Alfeu Saraiva Ramos
Structural, electrical, and wettability properties of self-supporting PVDF/TiO2/GO composite films obtained by a solvent evaporation route
Maria Luiza A. Almeida, Millena A. Fernandes, Hugo G. Palhares, Lucas M.C. Silva, Ludmila G. O. Xavier, Tulio Matencio, Liliane A. Silva, Luiz O. Faria, Vinícius G. de Castro, Tarcizo C. de Souza, Manuel Houmard, Eduardo H.M. Nunes
Evaluation of the crushing method impact on the mineral liberation in pre-concentration circuits
André Hiroshi Asakawa, Maurício Guimaraes Bergerman, Arthur Chaves
Pseudo-dynamic simulations applied to ball mill grinding circuit using the population balance model and Monte Carlo Method
Jose Guilherme de Abreu Valadares, Douglas Batista Mazzinghy, Roberto Galéry
A Constraint Programming approach to solve the clustering problem in open-pit mine planning
Jorge Luiz Valença Mariz, Rodrigo de Lemos Peroni, Ricardo Martins de Abreu Silva
Modular ventilation laboratory for educational purposes
Rita de Cassia Pedrosa Santos, Michel Melo Oliveira, José Margarida da Silva, Claudio Lúcio Pinto, Alan Kardek Rego Segundo, Douglas Batista Mazzinghy
Evaluation of PCA with variable selection for cluster typological domains
Silvânia Alves Braga de Castro, André Carlos Silva
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